Business Process Management Knowledge Guide (BPM CBOK®)

BPM CBOK is a collection of areas of knowledge that are recognized and accepted as best practices, and which every process management professional should know and use as a mandatory reference guide.

The nine sections that make up CBOK BPM include:

1. Management through business processes: contains theoretical concepts and key success factors in the implementation of Management through processes in organizations, primarily defined definitions such as: value to the customer and end-to-end processes.

2. Process modeling: modeling skills and techniques for
understanding, formalization and correct transfer of processes, levels of processes and various existing designations are defined.

3. Process analysis: skills and methods of understanding business processes, including criteria of efficiency and effectiveness, the main focus is on knowledge of the current process or As-Is model.

4. Process design: skills and techniques for creating specifications for business processes in the context of business goals and process efficiencies, focusing on measuring, managing and managing new processes in the future or models to be.

5. Process efficiency management: measuring the performance and monitoring of process results to determine their efficiency and effectiveness using criteria of cost, capacity, time and quality.

6. Process transformation: finding the best way to implement the process, paradigm shifts, include various topics such as process improvement, redesign and reengineering. Organizational changes that are critical to the success of the transformation are also studied.

7. Organization of process management: it deals with changes that will occur in the organization due to changes in the application of process management, identifies new roles that should have a process-oriented organization.

8. Corporate process management: refers to the need to maximize the results of processes, aligning them with business strategy. The levels of maturity of BPM of the organization are shown and various technological schemes are reviewed.

9. BPM Technologies: These are technologies that facilitate the application of BPM, a wide range of information systems that support modeling, analysis, design, modeling, execution and monitoring of processes are discussed.

BPM CBOK ® 4.0 is currently the basis for developing questions for an exam that people, with or without process experience must pass, to become a Certified Business Process Associate (CBPA) and / or a Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP).

The ABPMP follows the International Standard ANSI / ISO 17024 and the ACE ( American Council on Education ) in terms of General Requirements for Operational Certification Bodies of People in the creation of the certification and examination processes.

CBOK ® BPM4.0 is available and free of charge for professional members of ABPMP.

Alternatively, it is available for direct purchase from the ABPMP International website.

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